Concepts in remote teaching

This is an attempt to clarify the concepts used in and about remote teaching.
Read more about preparing for remote teaching.

Campus teaching
Activities where teachers and students are physically present - e.g. a lecture in a room on campus or fieldwork or excursions. It is also called face-to-face teaching.

Remote teaching
Activities that take place online - e.g. an online webinar or an online course where students do not show up physically, but participate via their computer and internet connection. The activities can take place both synchronously or asynchronously.

The activity takes place at the same time (live) - it can e.g. be a lecture, group exercises, discussions in plenary or a meeting.

The activity is flexible and accommodates the students' schedules, allowing them to participate at their convenience. They can engage in various tasks such as viewing slides, watching pre-recorded lectures, writing assignments, taking quizzes, and collaborating with peers online.

Blended learning
A blended course has a mixture of face-to-face activities and online activities. It can e.g. be a lecture on campus followed by asynchronous activities where students use Absalon and other digital tools to follow up or prepare for the next activity.

Hybrid teaching
At UCPH, hybrid teaching allows an activity, such as a lecture, to occur simultaneously both physically and online, with some students attending in-person on campus and others following remotely. Regardless of the format, the activity should achieve the same learning outcomes for all participants. To facilitate this, UCPH provides equipment for streaming or video meetings for teachers, enabling students to participate either in person or online as per a rotation plan.

HyFlex teaching
In this flexible form of hybrid teaching, students have the option to choose whether they want to attend a lecture in person or online, and can make this decision on a lecture-by-lecture basis.

Streaming (or broadcasting)
An activity that is live-streamed for remote viewing, with one-way video and audio transmission that doesn't allow for student participation by default. However, students can use a chat or a similar feature to write comments while watching, which is similar to what we see on platforms like YouTube and Facebook. At UCPH, this can be achieved through Zoom or Teams 'meetings'.

Video conferences
An online activity that facilitates communication between participants using video and audio through their computer's webcam and microphone/headset. This can include an interactive online lecture where students actively engage with the content. At UCPH, such activities can be conducted through platforms like Skype, Zoom, and Teams.

Pro and cons for remote teaching activities.